Training Classes:
All classes are non-refundable, unless classes are canceled by the school. Please be sure to register your dogs for the appropriate training classes list below. Please email proof of vaccinations to or bring proof of vaccinations with you the first day of class. If you do not have proof of vaccination, you will be denied participation in class until proof is provided.
Please check the calendar for upcoming classes. Not all classes are in a consistent order. Holidays or other events may cause a class to skip a week.
Basic Training Classes:
- Socialization
- Basic: Sit, Down, Stay, Heal and Come
PUPPY CLASSES: $60 per session (tax included)
Age: 12 weeks to 5 months
Vaccination: First two rounds of DHLPP (Distemper. Hepatitis. Leptospirosis. Parainfluenza. Parvovirus, or at least DHPP. The second round must have been administered after 8 weeks of age, but at least 7 days prior to the first session of class.
DOG CLASSES: $60 per session (tax included)
Age: 6 months to 9 months
Vaccination: Proof of rabies vaccine or up to date vaccination is required.
ADULT CLASSES: $60 per session (tax included)
Age: 10 months to 18 months
Vaccination: Proof of rabies vaccine.
Advanced Training Classes:
- Leave it
- Jumping
- Heal off lead
- Mastering Come and Stay Command
CLASSES: $60 per session (tax included)
Vaccination: Proof of rabies vaccine.
All dogs MUST have been through Basic Training.
Classes will be held at:
173 Mansion Road
Wallingford, CT 06492
Click for directions.
Please check the calendar before registering for a class.
Register below, then pay securely with PayPay.